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1 Day Juice Cleanse

For the new year I decided to start with a body refresh! I decided to do a 1 Day Juice Cleanse from Clean Juice in Houston!

Like many I am lactose intolerant and have a sensitive stomach + bloat easily! In college with stress and a lifestyle change (college time food, alcohol and sleepless nights), my body needed different things for boosts of energy and cleaning out the junk. In this time its when I found juice cleanses!

I like to do them a couple of times a year, of course it can help with weight loss but I like to focus on the health aspects of it. My body is really good at letting me know when I have been mistreating it, physically I bloat and start breaking out. I also feel very tired and "gross" when I have had a terrible diet or a fun packed weekend of eating and drinking. When I do juice cleanses I immediately feel energized, my body isn't bloated anymore, my skin clears and my metabolism regulates .

I decided to do the "Original Organic Cleanse" which brings 6 juices and it is for one day. It is recommended to do 1 juice every 2-3 hours, I went ahead and did mine every two hours. I started mine a bit late at 11 am and did end until 9 pm so I do recommend if you do it to start at 8 or 9 am. Drink LOTSSS of water while you are on the cleanse, it really helps with keeping you hydrated and at least for me it helped me not crave anything. I will say I never felt hungry but I do like to eat when I am "bored" so I did want snacks throughout the day but just because I love snacks lol. I also only did one day because for my personal health and body I feel its right for me. There are cleanses for beginners, one day, two day or even a three day cleanse. Choose what you feel is more comfortable and what you think is right for you.

List of Juices with Details

#1 Sweet Green

Organic Kale, Organic Spinach, Organic Cucumber, Organic Apple, Organic Mint

"Perfect to drink first thing in the morning because all of the nutrients in the leafy greens help to digest food from the previous day." - Clean Juice

Loved starting my day with this one, could definitely taste the leafy greens in it but with a sweet taste.

#2 Orange

Organic Orange, Organic Carrot, Organic Pineapple, Organic Turmeric

"All the fruits (natural sugar) in this cold-pressed juice will give you the energy you need to burn for the rest of the day." - Clean Juice

I am not going to lie seeing this juice so orange made me a little scared but I liked it, could taste a bit of the carrot and turmeric but it was sweet.

#3 Green

Organic Spinach, Organic Celery, Organic Kale, Organic Cucumber, Organic Ginger, Organic Lemon

"This veggie-loaded bottle consists of vitamins & nutrients for a hard-working juice that will continue the breakdown of food." - Clean Juice

I am a picky eater which is why I also juice on a regular bases to make sure I "eat" veggies. This one was a bit stronger on the veggie flavor and at this point I was starting to want snacks. I like to do my cleanse when I am home in order to not be using up my energy on other things. I would recommend to take a nap if you are really hungry. Of course you can eat some nuts or fruits if you want a food item, you do not have to starve yourself. I really like to only drink my juices if I can when I do a cleanse. If I do feel hungry I go for light items to snack on.

#4 Yellow

Filtered Water, Organic Lemon, Organic Cayenne, Organic Maple Syrup

"The cayenne and lemon in this cold-pressed juice helps break down any toxins in the body." - Clean Juice

Oh boy this one was REALLY hard to drink for me because of the cayenne, I had to water it down and it took about the whole two hours for me to drink it and I couldn't even finish it. At this point my metabolism was starting to have a change and I truly felt great. I usually get headaches if I have not eaten on my usual times but did not feel like that throughout the day and did not feel tired.

#5 Red

Organic Beet, Organic Apple, Organic Carrot, Organic Lemon

"Acts as a vasodilator (expands blood vessels and increases blood flow) because of the nitric oxide in beets. This juice is perfect in the afternoon/early evening to avoid a late-day crash. When blood is rushing through the body you will feel more energized!" - Clean Juice

The beets were very strong in this juice but I did not mind, I personally like beets in my juice. It was great for an afternoon boost of energy.

#6 White

Organic Cashews, Filtered Water, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Vanilla, Organic Maple Syrup, Himalayan Pink Sea Salt

"Finish off with this “dessert” cold-press that is high in protein. It will help keep you full before bed and the protein will break down overnight." - Clean Juice

I LOVED this one, it felt like a sweet reward for the end of the day. A juice cleanse can feel too much specially if it is your first one but this one makes you feel awesome at the end of the day!

The next day I woke up with glowing skin, feeling energized and no bloating! Of course I lost weight but it was all water weight, which means it is weight that can easily be gained back. Like I said, I juice cleanse for health reasons and believe juice cleansing is not the way for easy weight loss. If you have any questions about this cleanse or anything else please leave me a message or you can send me a DM on instagram (@yariiimartinez).

Juice Cleanse Shops



Hope you enjoyed this blog post, see you on the next one!

- Yari

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